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Election Information
Contact Information
Jennifer Weyenberg, Village Clerk/Treasurer
Email: jweyenberg@vokimberlywi.gov
Phone: 920-788-7500
Office Hours: M-Th 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Friday 8 a.m. – 12 p.m.
My Vote WI

Notice of Spring Election – April 1st, 2025
Voter Registration
The first step in the election process is to be sure you are a registered voter in the Village of Kimberly and your registration has your current information. If you are a new resident, recently changed your name or address, or have never voted before in the Village of Kimberly, you will need to complete a Voter Registration Application AND submit proof of residency. Most common forms of Proof of Residency include: driver’s license / WI ID, utility bill, bank statement, or something issued by the government such as a social security check, hunting license, traffic citation etc. The document must include your current name and current (new) address. There are several options to assist residents interested in updating their voter registration including:
- Register online using https://myvote.wi.gov/
- Complete the registration form and return it to the Village Clerk along with proof of residency using one of the following options:
- Email the documents to: jweyenberg@vokimberlywi.gov up to 4 weeks before an election.
- Via to Village of Kimberly – Elections, 515 W. Kimberly Avenue, Kimberly, WI 54136 up to 4 weeks before an election.
- Submit the documents in person at the clerk’s office up until 5:00 PM the Friday BEFORE an election.
If you miss these deadline dates you will have to bring the registration form and proof of residency to your polling location on Election Day. Note – registering or updating your registration on an election day will increase the time it takes you to vote.
Absentee Voting
In-Person Absentee voting will be held in the Village Hall, 515 W. Kimberly Avenue. Please remember to bring your photo ID.
Need to vote absentee?
There are only 3 requirements to getting an absentee ballot.
- You must have an active & current voter registration on file in your municipality.
- You must submit an Application for Absentee Ballot to your municipal clerk. Absentee Ballot Applications can be completed online at myvote.wi.gov, at the Clerk’s office, completing the Application for Absentee Ballot, or by emailing jweyenberg@vokimberlywi.gov or calling 920-788-7500 for a form to be sent to you.
- You must provide a copy of your photo ID.
Regular and military voters may request to vote via absentee ballots for specific elections or all elections within the current calendar year. Indefinitely Confined voters may request absentee ballots be mailed to them indefinitely.
College students who intend to vote in the Village of Kimberly should register to vote and request an absentee ballot before leaving for school or early enough to meet the mailing deadlines. Their other option is to register and vote in their college town.
NOTE: NO-ONE IS ALLOWED TO REGISTER TO VOTE OR REQUEST AN ABSENTEE BALLOT THE MONDAY BEFORE AN ELECTION. This day has been reserved for clerks to finalize the details for Election Day (poll books etc.), thus no changes may be made.