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Tree Care, Brush & Leaf Collection
Residential Curbside Brush Collection
Residents must call the Street Department (920-788-7507) or Village Clerk’s Office (920-788-7500) by 3:30 PM Wednesday, to schedule a Thursday brush collection or send an e-mail at streets@vokimberlywi.gov Email or phone correspondence must be received by 3:30 p.m. Wednesday to be collected on Thursday.
All brush must be over 18″ in length and not exceed the length in which one person can easily manage, no larger than 4″ in diameter, piled neatly on the terrace with cut ends facing one direction, with no root balls. Parameters are set for the safety of the crew and to promote efficient operations.
Brush which is shorter than 18 inches in length is considered yard waste and needs to be disposed of through yard waste collection.
Curbside Fall Leaf Collection
Leaf Zone Map Located Here.
The Street Department will start Leaf Pick Up services when there are enough leaves raked to the street terraces through the Village to keep assigned crews and equipment busy for at least a full day. The starting date will vary from year to year. Leaf collection activities will continue in the Fall as long as weather permits or there are no longer leaf piles on the street terraces to collect.
Rake leaves to the terrace, not into the street, DO NOT put leaves in bags. Leaves, which are placed in bags or any container – WILL NOT BE PICKED UP.
Do not rake twigs or branches with the leaves, they will clog the vacuum. Please keep plastic and paper out of the piles. Rake leaves into low piles so children are not hidden from motorist’s view.
Pick up will start at the west-end of the Village and move east, completing as soon as possible. It takes about one week to make one round of the entire village, so please be patient and rake accordingly.
Please be aware that the street sweeper is different from the leaf vacuum. The sweeper only sweeps streets, not piles of leaves.
Daily updates are provided on the Village of Kimberly Facebook page as it relates to leaf collection progress – check out the updates to see if we are coming for your zone next!
Check out the Leaf Zone Map to see which zone your home is located in.
Tree Care
New trees, which will be planted throughout the Village, need care. Please water these trees five (5) gallons every 4 to 5 days during dry spells. When mowing and trimming around trees, please avoid hitting the base of the tree.
There are quite a few terrace trees with bark torn from the base, due to mowing and trimming too close to the tree. If this occurs too often, there is a good chance the tree will die. When a terrace tree dies, the replacement time could take up to 5 years, due to commitments in other areas of the community.
The Village of Kimberly is proud to offer an extensive street tree program hosting over 3,000 terrace trees in the village. Why invest in terrace trees? Check out the: